Bag Jump Tips for Beginners

01 July 2024

If you’ve dreamed of experiencing the thrill of freefalling without the risks of extreme sports, or you’re looking to conquer your fear of heights in a safe and controlled way, bag jumping is the perfect option. This beginner's guide to bag jumping gives you all the tips you need to ensure your first jump is safe and enjoyable.

What is Bag Jumping?

Bag jumping involves standing on the edge of a platform high above ground. Below you, there’s a huge airbag waiting to cushion your fall. During the bag jump, you aren’t connected to any harnesses and you don’t wear any protective gear. It’s the ultimate leap of faith!

It’s a thrilling activity offered at outdoor activity parks where thrill seekers can go to experience the adrenaline rush of freefalling in a controlled and safe environment.

Why Should I Try Bag Jumping?

Bag jumping is a great way to push your boundaries and conquer your fears. It’s not just about the thrill, it’s a way to build confidence, improve your physical coordination, and take part in a unique experience you can’t find anywhere else. A bag jump is an unforgettable experience whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or someone looking to step out of their comfort zone.

Understanding the Setup

You’ll normally see a bag jump set up at an activity park with platforms of varying heights that can range from a few feet to several meters high. This gives you the option to start small and work your way up as your confidence grows. You can even jump straight in at the deep end (pun intended) by choosing the highest one first if you’re feeling brave!

The airbag underneath is designed to absorb the impact of your fall, ensuring a soft and safe landing every time.

Tips For Beginners

Think you want to take on the bag jump? Here are some tips to get you started.

Listen to The Safety Instructions

Before you take your first jump, it’s important to pay close attention to the safety briefing. They will give you the proper jumping technique, how to land safely, and what to do in case of an emergency. Following these instructions is crucial for your safety and enjoyment.

Have the Technique Down

To ensure you have a great time whilst bag jumping and to prevent injury, it’s important to master the basic techniques. Here’s what you should know:


When it’s your turn to jump, walk to the edge of the platform with confidence. Make sure to keep a steady pace and maintain a good posture. Don’t rush in this moment, take time to steady your nerves before you jump.


When you’re ready to jump, cross your arms over your chest and launch off the platform by pushing off with one or both feet. Keep your body balanced and centred. Avoid leaning too far forward or backwards as this could affect how you land. While in the air, keep your arms crossed over your chest and lean slightly back.


Aim to land on your back or bum as this is the safest and most stable position. As you land, keep your arms close to your body and avoid flailing.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Although the bag jump is a completely safe activity, there are some common mistakes that could increase the risk of injury.

Hesitation Before Jumping

It’s natural to feel nervous when you’re standing at the edge of a 6m platform ready to jump, but it’s important you trust that the airbag will keep you safe and refrain from hesitation as this can cause you to land unsafely.

Incorrect Body Position

Although the natural response would be to jump feet first, it’s crucial to follow the advice of your guides and land bum first. This ensures you don’t hurt yourself as you land. Maintain the position until you land on the airbag to ensure you are kept safe.


Overthinking can cause you to forget the safety instructions or panic in the air. Try and stay relaxed and maintain the position to help you land safely.

How to Prepare

If you’re feeling particularly nervous about your bag jump, there are things you can do to prepare yourself physically and mentally.

  • Make sure you warm up before your jump to feel less tense and ensure you have the appropriate amount of flexibility for the jump.
  • Overcoming the fear of jumping from a height can be difficult, but visualisation techniques and deep breathing exercises can help calm your nerves.

Looking for a Bag Jump Near You?

At Gripped, you can experience a rush like no other with our bag jump. Our outdoor activity park has a range of exhilarating activities that are perfect for beginners and seasoned thrill-seekers alike. With professional staff, reliable safety measures, and a variety of heights to choose from, we’re the number one choice for bag jumps near London, book your tickets now!